WARNING - Change wsUserSettings.php: $SITE["topfolder"] from : weather28/ to: /home/mhd/www.meteocavagnano.it/htdocs/weather28/
Welcome to our new website - Welkom op onze vernieuwde website - Bienvenue sur notre nouveau site web - Willkommen auf unserer neuen Website
Check our progress frequently. Prüfen Sie unsere Fortschritte regelmäßig. Consultez notre progression fréquemment. Komt u straks nog eens terug

This is an optional block. Switch it on/off in your settings-file: $SITE['bannerTop'] = false; or $SITE['bannerBottom'] = false;

You can display ads, any other important text or photo’s using text / html or PHP code.

You can place one or more at the top and or bottom and it can all be different for content / size .

Visit our other weather sites:

Template documentation
and downloads

And another site

(1) Go to the Saratoga site,
(2) download the "Google mesomap display" script and install it in the root NOT in the weatherxx folder.
(3) Adapt the script as described in the documentation on Ken True's site as a STAND-ALONE script.

If you need to install in the weatherxx folder,
adapt the "$root" settings in this Leuven-script (weatherxx/mesomaps/wnGlobalFrame.php) also.

Map data from Affiliated Regional Networks and scripts from Saratoga-Weather.org. Stand-alone version running in an iframe

Equipment we use:

Davis VP2

Davis VP2

This is an optional block. Switch it on/off in your settings-file: $SITE['bannerTop'] = false; or $SITE['bannerBottom'] = false;

You can display ads, any other important text or photo’s using text / html or PHP code.

You can place one or more at the top and or bottom and it can all be different for content / size .